You can help by donating for sturgeon reintroduction!

Because of the international cooperation of the WWF network, the money is best spent by them. With your help we can raise 50.000 EUR which will be uniquely earmarked for sturgeon reintroduction. For your information, this amount is roughly what it costs to purchase, release and monitor thousands of sturgeons at once.
In agreement with World Wide Fund for Nature, the funds will be distributed equally to: 1) reintroduction of the European sturgeon in the Rhine through ARK Rewilding Nederland, 2) the LIFEBoat4Sturgeon project in Vienna which supports recovery of four species in the Danube, 3) reintroductions by WWF Ukraine.
The preferred method for donating is using iDEAL via the hyperlink supported by WWF-NL: Sterk voor Steuren (wwf.nl)
If that is not possible you can still donate via my Strong for Sturgeons Go Fund Me page, which you can find using this hyperlink These donations will be transferred on a periodical basis to the WWF-NL office for distribution.​
Thank you so much for your donations! This will help make a dent in their long term recovery. Let's get strong for sturgeons!